Less than 2 weeks ago I went through the graduation ceremony. I am/was a double major in Political Science and Dramatic Arts (emph: Theatre). As I look back on my 4 years in Davis, I can recall the countless amount of times working adults have said, "Wow, so are you going to do political theatre?" "Oh I get it, its the theatrics of politics, you're going to be a lawyer!" "Interesting combo of majors, why would you do that?" Every time I have smiled and politely responded that they are two interests. So what if I like a diverse school day and education? After asking about my "career plan" I respond that I am moving to LA to pursue a dream that I have had since 2nd grade of becoming a working actor.
I used to try explaining that I think it's important for any performer or artist to always expose themselves to different interests, experiences, and fields of knowledge. Not only will it give you a better understanding of the world around you, but it helps with your art. One should never (in my opinion) be single-minded. It causes you to love yourself in the arts as opposed to loving the art within you. An actor's job (or any artist for that matter) is to give something or share some awareness of the world to their audience. If all you know is "your craft" you risk being un-relatable.
These types of answers don't bode well with adults that make a living. Sometimes I am even asked if my parents support me. The truth is (as our graduation speaker said), in 20 years you could be 40 and making a decent living, or you could be 40 and doing what you love. And you know what? I'm aware making it as a working actor is close to impossible. But the only way to fail in Hollywood (and in life, I suppose) is to give up. There are too many opportunities for such a range of different types of people and its about knowing yourself, and where you can fit.
So you might not see me on the stand defending a client or in the Senate pushing legislation making an honorable living. But give me a few years, and you might see a glimmer of someone who looks familiar on Law and Order. Or maybe not... maybe it'll be a Clean and Clear commercial. Whatever it is, LA... here I come.
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3 months ago
I wish you more than luck in your pursuit to become a working actor. I found your personal take on what a working actor should be very interesting and I believe that you are right. I agree that people should have a great background in whatever it is that interests them. Your emphasis on doing what you love for a career is my own personal belief and I hope that no one tries to tell you otherwise. I really enjoyed your blog, it is written well and engages the audience with your story of your decisions and why you are making them. By the way, I love Law and Order and I hope that one day I will see you on there!
You are able to weave together the serious and the playful in a way that invites your reader into dialogue. For instance, what caught me was this sentence: "One should never (in my opinion) be single-minded." Hm. This sounds like a maxim of sorts; but maxims are rather single-minded, aren't they? Maybe you want to reverse this, and say: "Stay open to multiple possibilities in your life." Isn't this closer to what you mean? Because when you go on to say that you are going to try to make it as a working actor, your reader does not take you to mean that you will never do anything else—rather you seem both humble and confident, like you'll give it your best shot, but you *aren't* "single-minded"—you'll adjust to things accordingly. See what I mean?
Good luck with your acting career. I am glad you are deciding to do what you love. I always think that if you do something you love, then work doesn’t seem like work.
I’ll keep any eye out for you when I’m watching TV, and when I do see you on TV, I’ll be able to say “Hey, I know her. She was in one of my classes at UC Davis.”
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